Some facts about the Native Americans
1.) About 50% of the Native Indian population lives on federal
reservations. The majority of the reservations are situated west of the
Mississippi River, and the Indians continue to live there to maintain their
2.) Some of the social challenges the Native Americans face are
unemployment, poverty, alcoholism and drug abuse. High rates of diabetes and
heart disease are also a concern. Some of the possible causes of this is that
since they live in reservations they are “cut off” from the rest of the world,
one of the reasons for their high alcohol problem is that many of them have had
a rough childhood, neither does it help that Native Americans have a very low
tolerance for alcohol.
3.) Limitations on tribal powers of self-government include the same
limitations applicable to states; for example, neither tribes nor states have
the power to make war, engage in foreign relations, or coin money (this
includes paper currency).
4.) Native Americans rights point out that the US Federal Government's
claim to recognize the "sovereignty" of Native American peoples falls
5.) The BIA states that its responsibility when it comes to Indian
lands, is for the “administration and management of 55,700,000 acres (225,000
km2) of land held in trust by the United States for American Indians, Indian tribes,
and Alaskan Natives.”